Do you sometimes find yourself stuck and unable to complete what you wished to write about? Or often times able to finish a story but feel dissatisfied of the outcome?

If you have at least tried writing a story at one point -- regardless of whether you felt good or bad about it -- that can be an indication of your unlimited potentials in the field of writing.
Proven true by many of our greatest inventors and professionals, excellence on various fields does not and can not happen overnight. It takes a lot of passion, inspiration, hard work, perseverance and time for one to be successful at his chosen pursuit in life. It doesn’t matter whatever career you have at the moment; the same principle applies to all aspects, including Writing.
If you are aspiring to be an outstanding writer and/or author or simply want to do better at writing for personal communication, the following fundamental steps would absolutely help you achieve your objective:
1. Know your purpose.
Before you start writing down, first establish your purpose for writing. Ask yourself why you are writing, what for and who your target audience are.
2. Set your expected outcome.
Once you have already selected a target audience, reflect on what you want your readers to learn from your written piece and how you would like them to act on what they learned.
3. Choose a subject you are interested in and knowledgeable about.
It is extremely challenging if not painful to write on something you care less about, more so, something you have very limited information on. For your writing activity to be a pleasant experience, it is important that one has interest and knowledge on the subject he is to discuss.
4. Strip your words down.
Agree or not, the most popular written works in the recent times are those that “can be read” by a wide range of audience around the world. It is necessary to consider how well your audience could grasp your message, thus, it is still best to limit the number of jargons in your work.
5. Write from your place of comfort.
Everyone would probably agree if I say we perform best when we feel happy and comfortable of where we do work. One’s ability to focus -- a prerequisite to being able to write a good piece -- is commonly obtained when a person is in a place with an ambience he prefers. Therefore, write from your room of ease.
6. End with strong statements.
Your efforts of leaving a positive mark to your readers is directly influenced by how you end a story, since the last couple of sentences are what they will likely retain.
To have a strong impact to your audience, you must be able to sustain the level of reader excitement throughout the story and more toward its end.
7. Read it out loud.
Reading your written work out loud allows you as the writer to assess tone and spot grammar and typographical errors. If it is not possible to read loudly where you’re at, you may read through the printed words in your head instead. Do not forget to take note of your observations.
8. Revise.
When you have done everything from steps #1 to #7 and figured out something needs to be updated and modified, take as much time as you need to perfect your output. Repeat step # 7 several times if necessary.
What do you think of the above information? Do you have any additional tips in mind that other writers can benefit from? Share them to us in the comments section below.