Discovering your Boundaries: Living within Yourself
This book is about the personal paradigms in our lives – the powerful u n d e r l y i n g concepts and perceptions that shape our future life and how these mold our attitudes toward commitment. The book holds out the promise that these paradigms can be adjusted by personal experiences and work on oneself including self-examination and the help of outsiders. Finally and ultimately the most important behavior that the book encourages everyone to learn is to live within themselves by discovering their personal boundaries. This means living within their physical emotional intellectual and ¬ financial boundaries in order to reach and enjoy contentment. If you are seeking answers to these questions and conditions for living more comfortably this book is for you! Author Bob Jack has spent over 40 years of executive experience in leadership involving relationships and financial issues. He has a combined 35 years of married life and 15 years of adult single life in which relationships were a major life experience. During his life he has spent over 20 years with life coaches who are professionals in their ¬ field and who have helped Bob Jack grind away at learning to live within his boundaries while achieving success in both his relationships and his ¬ financial life. Mr. Jack possesses a BA degree with high honors in Economics from California State University at Los Angeles an MBA degree (Strategic Management) from Azusa Paci¬fic University and a Master of Science degree in advanced management from Claremont Graduate University's Drucker School. Aside from this book Bob Jack has authored three more books – one about his son Chris titled a Night in Darkness: The Drug – addicted Child; A Journal on Contract Administration Pitfalls and Solutions on Architect – Engineering Projects and A View from the Eagles Nest – when justice failed. He lives in Las Vegas Nevada.